Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Leadership And Change study of Artlink Australia †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Leadership And Change Artlink Australia. Answer: Introduction There is the need for organizations to endure changes that may be significant as well as traumatic so as to be able to survive in the business environment which is both dynamic and competitive. In the implementation of organizational change leadership plays some very crucial role. Leadership is defined as a process of influencing others so as to make them understand or even agree with whatever needs to be done and the manner in which it should be done as well as the process which facilitates collective and individual efforts needed to accomplish any shared objectives (Burnes and Jackson, 2011). Change is the fundamental and reorientation in the manner in which something or an organization operates. Body: Change management as a key element of leadership Relationship between change and leadership Many organizations have been affected by change which is a very challenging area. Such changes have to endure by organizations so as to survive in the business environment which is dynamic and competitive (Hughes et al., 2009). Any change has to be in alignment with the vale and culture of the organization and this in the end encourages desired results. To make change a success the leadership plays key roles. The transformation that comes with change is difficult and can easily result in things like resentment and resistance from employees. The change process is also affected by the fear of change that could be psychological or social especially if there is no technical expertise in handling this (Burnes and By, 2011). For the strategic change to be effective leaders have to be equipped with good skills. Themanagement also has to live with the fact that change is inevitable and they are the ones responsible in ensuring they overcome the resistance from employees as a result of change. This is achieved via change oriented leadership and sound management. Organizational change is mostly affected by changes in technology, globalization, andmanagement of knowledge and collaboration that is cross boundary. The change may be felt in the macro or external environment. In order to adapt to change organizations need visionaries that are innovative and creative (Rhodes et al., 2010). Any leader that needs to be effective must possess vision and purpose and should be able to manage people in situations that are tough, be able to motivate employees in achieving of goals and take responsibility as well as be accountable for the running of the organization. Believing in leaders come with excitement and this drives them in achieving targets. This indicates that a strong relationship exists between change and leadership. The role played by leadership is huge when it comes to reducing the resistance that comes with change and this ensures smooth implementation of change. Approaches to different Types of strategic change The main and first step in identifying change in a situation is whether this change is needed or not. In a situation where change is needed then one needs to clearly state the type of change needed. Change in any organization can be a big bang change or an incremental one. In a nut shell change can be as a result of the extent as to which its needed and the speed at which it should be applied. In regards to the extent it can be transformational or realignment and in terms of speed it can be incremental or big bang (Den Hond and Bakker, 2007). A change is referred to being incremental if its build on beliefs, skills or routines that bring efficiency. The big bang change occurs only on some occasions for instance in cases of crises. Extent of change Transformational realignment Evolution: this is a change that has to be implemented in a gradual way using initiatives that are inter- related. Its more of a proactive change with the future in mind. Adaptation: this change works on realigning the way an organization is supposed to work. Its implemented in a step wise manner Revolution: simultaneous initiatives are carried out when it comes to transformational change. It could be forced due to the competitive environment faced by the organization. Reconstruction: this is done as a realignment of how an organization operates with the smooth implementation o initiatives. Could be forced du e to changincompetitive context. Means of managing the changes Communication and education; these are the reasons and means for strategic change. The manner in which communication and education of strategic change is done is very key in managing the changes (Cohen and Keren, 2008). The needed change could end up being ineffective if there is some ineffective communication and misinformation. Participation and collaboration; all those that may be affected by change have to be involved in making strategic changes. They assist in the identification of issues, agendas and decisions needed. This assists in the increase of commitment and ownership of the changes (Rhodes et al., 2010). Intervention; this is where one has to coordinate and get authority on the changes that are to be made. The control is retained by the agent of change via interventions. Blockages and facilitators of change Blockages Fear of the unknown; change in an organization is investable and has positive effects on any business. However some people fear to embrace change because they are not aware of what the change will bring and so they tend to resist. Ineffective leadership; for any change to embraced by employees the leaders have to be in the forefront of ensuring this change is affected (Dunphy et al., 2007). Change begins with leaders and how they express their need for change to the employees matters a lot when it comes to embracing change. Broken communication; communication is important when change has to be effected in any organization and any broken or ineffective communication leads to poor adoption of changes for the betterment of the organization. Undue complexity; embracing change in huge organization can be a complex task and requires lengthy processes (Hughes et al., 2009).The scale and complexity of the change plan in itself can be a blockage for effective change in any organization. The challenge may seem too daunting to take on. Facilitators of change Managementfunctions; when the functions of management are to change, then change are inevitable for instance if the board of directors is changed or some exit then strategic change has to be embraced (Macleod and By, 2009). The existing strategies may have to be reviewed by the incoming management team. New ideas may be needed to take the businesses to the next level. Structural transformations; there may be need for the changes in the structure of an organization such as mergers, expansion to other markets which may call for realignment and strategic change. These transformations are meant to bring some alterations in the management and therefore the changes are inevitable. Competition; n many organizations competition from other businesses has always called for change. This is because urgent reviews of their working strategies are usually needed to keep up with the competitive business world (By, 2010). Socio-cultural factors; when such factors for the target market changes then the organization has to embrace change so that the strategic orientation of the business is clearly realigned to the changes in such factors. Laws; changes related to laws in terms of taxation, environment etc influences changes within an organization so as to work in line with the new changes on the laws that affect their business operations (Burnes and By, 2011). Technology; this may trigger changes in line with the inadequacy of presence of some form of technology. There may be need for acquisition of capital resources etc. Force field analysis sample in relation to change Source: Google images Different leadership styles for managing change The main types of leadership styles aimed at managing change include; Coercive style; such style of leadership expects a form of immediate compliance from the people they are leading. Such leaders are competent in achieving different results. This is best fit in crisis situations where change is required quickly. Its the least effective form of leadership because of the speed in which it operates. Authoritative style; this style is used by a leader that guides others in achieving avision and ensures the goals and strategies of the organization are followed (Kakabadse et al., 2007). Those being led are allowed to be innovative and take risks that lead to a sense of belonging. Its best fit in situations where change is needed in case of a new vision. Affiliation style; this is a human friendly leadership style. It creates harmony and also enables emotional bonds to be built. It considers communication as a key element and peoples opinions matters a lot. It motivates people in stressful situations. Democratic style; this leadership allows people to be participative and air their opinions (ABS, 2010). Trust, respect and commitment are built by the leader. Its good for a leader who is uncertain when it comes to decision making. Pace setting style; this leadership enables people to be ready for the future. High standards are set by the leader and people are expected to follow. Excellence is demanded and this may make employees feel overstretched beyond their capabilities. This is necessary if results needed are urgent. Coaching styles; this is where leaders aim at training others for future leadership. The employees are assisted to develop their skills. Its least used by leaders due to lack of time for the coaching sessions. Lassies faire; in this style of leadership, leaders influence members on a minimal scale. The responsibilities of a leader are shared uniformly (Burnes, 2009). Its effectiveness is reliant to good team work spirit and interpersonal relationships. Conclusion Leadership and change are inseparable. For any change to be effective and have positive impact on the growth of any organization then leadership styles have to be good. Good leaderships ensure a smooth transition and acceptance of change by the involved parties. References Den Hond, F. and Bakker, F.G. (2007). 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