Monday, May 25, 2020

The Great Depression - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 453 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Depression Essay Did you like this example? The Great Depression was the events in American history between 1929 and 1938 in which the stock market crashed, banks failed, and unemployment rate was the highest it has ever been in the nations history. This paper will discuss the causes of the Great Depression, how it affected the lives of people in America, and what the government did to try to pull America out of the Great Depression. The year 1929 started off with republican Herbert Hoover becoming president replacing Calvin Coolidge who had previously served as president between 1923 and 1929. President Hoover believed in laissez-faire policies and thought that if the market economy was free, capitalism would be able to fix an economic downturn. Based on his economic beliefs, Hoover had lowered the top income tax rate to 24 percent from the previous 25 percent rate, while this may not have been enough to spark the depression, it did little to facilitate the major economic growth that had occurred during the 1920s. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Great Depression" essay for you Create order On October 24th, 1929, a day now known as Black Thursday, Stock prices fell 11 percent and throughout the week leading up until October 29th the stock market had fallen a total of 17 percent. A month later the stock market begun to trade sideways, a period when investments are within a tight range and dont get high, between the crashes the week before and the sideways market, investors began to lose faith in the stock market and started selling stocks and pulling money out of the banks which caused wide spread panic. In 1929 there were a total of 650 bank failures, these failures caused the money supply to reduce and made each dollar worth more. With the rise in the value of the dollar, prices fell which reduced revenue for businesses and increased the amount of debt that lenders had to pay back. This caused not only business to file for bankruptcy, but also caused personal bankruptcy across the nation. In 1930 families in America started to feel the effects of the Great Depression, with businesses failing and the unemployment rate steadily rising, most people found it already difficult to feed themselves and their families. Although times were tough for many people in America, no one had it worse than the farmers along the Mississippi River up to the mid-Atlantic where the worst drought in 300 years, known as the Dust Bowl, would cause massive crop failure. President Hoover felt as though he had to help the people affected by this drought and signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. The Smoot-Hawley Tariffs raised taxes on 900 imports, the idea behind the tariffs was to support the farmers affected by the Dust Bowl, but instead of helping farmers and citizens, it caused food prices to increase in a nation that was already suffering.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Aliasing a Method in Ruby Takes Simple Programming

To alias a method or variable name in Ruby is to create a second name for the method or variable. Aliasing can be used either to provide more expressive options to the programmer using the class or to help override methods and change the behavior of the class or object. Ruby provides this functionality with the alias and alias_method keywords. Create a Second Name The alias keyword takes two arguments: the old method name and the new method name. The method names should be passed as labels, as opposed to strings. Labels are used to refer to methods and variables without directly referencing them. If youre a new Ruby programmer, the concept of labels may seem odd, but whenever you see a label like :methodname, just read it as the thing called methodname. The following example declares a new class and creates an alias for the on method called start. #!/usr/bin/env rubyclass Microwavedef onputs The microwave is onendalias :start :onendm Microwave.newm.start # same as m.on Change the Behavior of a Class There may be times when you want to change the behavior of a class after its been declared. You can alias and add new methods to an existing class by creating second class declaration that has the same name as the existing class declaration. You can also add aliases and methods to individual objects using a syntax similar to the inherited class syntax. The behavior of any class can be changed by creating an alias for any method and then creating a new method (with the original method name) that calls the method with the alias. In the following example, a microwave class is declared and an instance is created. The second class declaration uses the alias method to change the behavior of the on method in order to add a warning message. The third class declaration is used to change the behavior of the specific microwave instance to add an even more stern warning. When aliasing a method multiple times, be sure to use different method names to store the old method. #!/usr/bin/env rubyclass Microwavedef on  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  puts Microwave is on  Ã‚  end endm Microwave.newm.onclass Microwave  Ã‚  alias :old_on1 :ondef on  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  puts Warning: Do not insert metal objects!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  old_on1  Ã‚  end endm.on# Message for this specific microwaveclass   Ã‚  def onputs This microwave is weak, add extra timeold_on2endendm.on # Displays extra messagem2 Microwave.newm2.on # Does not display extra message

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Short Story Chapter 2 - 9020 Words

All around them men shouted with glee or frustration, depending who they’d been backing to win the race. Yiannis had been shocked to see how many had turned out to watch. When Fungy had roused him from his bed, where he’d been putting the finishing touches on one of the sketches he’d made the other day, he’d been curious. First, he could hardly believe his friend was up—he hadn’t taken Fungy for an early riser. And secondly, that he’d only gotten up to watch his sister-in-law ride in a race was beyond anything he’d expected of the man. â€Å"It was all the talk at the clubs last night,† Fungy had explained. â€Å"Can’t miss it. She is m’sister, after all.† Yiannis had thrown on some clothes, and they’d been out the door in minutes so as to not miss†¦show more content†¦That was when Yiannis was shocked to find himself among those shouting encouragement to Thalia. He glanced at Fungy. His friend wasn’t shouting, but he was clearly as involved in the race as anyone. His air of ennui was gone, replaced by an intense expression that Yiannis had never thought to see. As Thalia just edged past her opponent to ride through the gate first, Yiannis let out a shout of victory. Even Fungy had a huge grin on his face as Thalia won. He quickly schooled his expression back to impassivity, but Yiannis had seen his joy at her win and felt better about him for it. As she came back through the gate, her hand held high in victory, he and Thalia locked gazes. Her hand immediately fell, and the high color in her beautiful cheeks faded quickly. Yiannis allowed his emotions to rule the day, however, and he gave her a â€Å"huzzah!† and joined in with the applause all around him. The smile returned to Thalia’s face, and she ducked her head in acknowledgment. She then refocused on her opponent, who was gentleman enough to come and acknowledge his defeat. Yiannis could see her congratulate him on a race well run. They chatted and laughed before she dismounted and walked over to join him and Fungy. He could see the exchange of notes out of the corner of his eye as people paid and collected on their debts. â€Å"Please, Fungy,† Thalia said, going first to her brother-in-law. â€Å"You aren’t going to tell Rose are you?† Fungy raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Do you truly thinkShow MoreRelatedShort Story Chapter 21543 Words   |  7 Pagessurface you want to search for old books. What do you see in those crusty ol things anyway? For one thing, they have tons of great stories, and secondly, theyre much more entertaining than the holo imagers. Jack lumbers across the last few yards of desert sand and arrives at the hatch with his new prizes safely stowed. He had always had a penchant for any story from an old book. Regardless of the danger surrounding the adventure of searching, Jack never passed up the chance to look for booksRead MoreChapter 2 Short Story1155 Words   |  5 Pagessetting up for it making sure that all the preparations were set. At about ten in the morning Dis was putting up some streamers when someone tugged on her dress. She looked down only to see her oldest. Yes, Fili Dis said Mama, can you tell me a story Sorry honey, but I have to set up for Kilis party said Dis as she turned around to finish hanging up the decorations But why? Pleaded Fili Because we are having guests over and we want the house to look festive Fine then can I go playRead MoreShort Story : Chapter 21264 Words   |  6 Pagespig at all.† She knelt, wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and leaned forward, but Gwaine put his hands on her shoulders to halt her. â€Å"I should tell you that this, um, will probably be quick. A few months after I got out of rehab, I had a short relationship with a woman I’d met in treatment. That was more than a year-and-a-half ago, and there’s been no one since.† Gwen brushed her lips against the head of Gwaine’s erection, and he shuddered. â€Å"Okay. Tell me if I’m doing it all right.† â€Å"PleaseRead MoreShort Story Chapter 2911 Words   |  4 PagesHow are things looking on that side? The tall, burly man asked, seemingly desperate. Not good, master. The landslide is too severe, we cant push forward any further. A man answered. The rain keeps on pouring, mocking them as they try to search for survivors amidst the sudden squall. Damn! He screamed, punching one of the nearby trees. Is there really nothing we can do? Im afraid not, master, if we go any further we might end up dying ourselves. The one called master grinds his teethRead MoreShort Story : Chapter 21495 Words   |  6 PagesMaggie had grabbed a quick lunch from the cafeteria before hauling ass back to her room. At the moment, she wasn’t interested in spending time making idle conversation with her teammates. She had already been awake longer than she normally would’ve been for one day and her irritation was growing from the forced social interaction. She craved some quiet, alone time to allow herself a break and to prepare herself for whatever Shannon had planned for them next. When she arrived at room 352, the doorRead MoreShort Story Chapter 21647 Words   |  7 PagesThere was a noticeable shift in temperature as the sun began its slow descent toward the horizon, the impending dusk transforming the western sky from faded blue to an artist’s palette of muted pink and orange tones. Across from the aquatic center, Tom and Dennis loitered at a bus stop, their teenage attire helping them to blend into the urban environment. However, despite his outwardly composed appearance, Tom was anything but calm. 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Indeed, Adultery sometimes becomes something crucial in our society. As an additionRead MoreComparison Of The Celebrated Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County1039 Words   |  5 PagesThe novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and the short story, â€Å"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,† both written by Mark Twain, are similar in terms of Twain’s style using figurative language, syntax, and different types of diction. First, Twain’s style can be described as including many different forms of figurative language throughout his stories, including similes, hyperboles, and polysyndeton. According to Chapter 12 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, â€Å"Nothing but just

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Strategies and Plan for an Organization

Question: Discuss about the strategies and plan for anorganization. Answer: Introduction An organization requires some strategies and plan in order to expand their business such as risk management plan, issues management, stakeholder management, scope change management, organization change management, and quality plan and configuration management. Each and every management and plan are very critical for the organization, and these management systems are discussed in this study for better understanding. According to the case study, New Town is a district which has an increased population. On the other hand, due to the increased population, the economic value of that district became stronger. In addition, there is a growing tourism industry attracts many tourists through its beautiful landscape, culture, art, warm climate and festive mood. Apart from that, New Town is a perfect place for raising and maintain a family. As a result, there is a new high school built for expanding education system and new classrooms added for increasing enrolments. Moreover, three new projects were approved by the public submission such as new library and art center, a new theater and a new sports and recreation hub. For these three projects above mentioned significant management systems will be discussed in this study(Kelley Littman, 2005). Risk Management Plan Risk management is one of the crucial management processes of any organization. According to many types of research, all risk factors should be enrolled by the organization in order to prohibit unwanted consequences and problems (Dionne, 2013). On the other hand, this section of the study will explain the importance of risk management plan in an organization. In addition, it provides the acknowledgment about risk assessment in the study. In order to management, every process of a project, analysis of risk factors is very important. Apart from that, the risk management includes some several stages such as specified work scope, schedule, resources, cost elements and authorized persons for playing the role and responsibilities of risk management. In addition, the project manager and followers, key stakeholders and project sponsors are participating in risk assessment meetings(Hulett, 2009). In order to minimize the impact of risk factors, the identification of risks is very important. In this section, high probability and high impact risks are followed below: Delay is server equipment Delay in providing service occurs because of a maker's generation accumulation; the servers are not accessible for substantial scale application testing transporting on a delay in the project plan. The project chief will moderate this danger by utilizing servers from the reinforcement server farm if necessary. Fiber Optics Connection Not Accomplished Fiber optic cable creates a connection between data center and headquarter in order to exchange information. In other words, this cable cannot provide a high speed data transfer process which results slow response from the application making it unusable. Users unable to provide site information to headquarter due to poor service of fiber optical cable. Moreover, the project manager needs to implement broadband Ethemet radio network between the data center and headquarter facility(Muir, 2004). Network Operations Center (NOC) Not Appropriately Staffed Due to lead times connected with procuring and preparing extra staff, the NOC does not have the important staff to screen the extra transfer speed connected with the project bringing about a deferral to the project schedule. The project chief will moderate this danger by working with the NOC to make another work routine to adjust for the staffing deficiency until extra staff employing and preparing is finished. Moreover, the risk management approach, risk qualification, prioritization, risk monitoring, risk mitigation and avoidance and risk registration are some significant aspects of a proper risk management plan of a specific project (Jex, 2009). Issue Management Issue management is one of the significant management processes of a specific project plan. It includes some major aspects of a projects such as identification of a specific issue, produce a proper template, prioritization, tracking, escalation when required, assignment of issues for resolution, monitor resolution status and evaluate for escalation, resolve issue through communication process and finally close resolve issues. In other words, issue management is the procedure of recognizing and determining issues. On the other hand, issues with staff or suppliers, specialized disappointments, material deficiencies these might all negatively affect the estimated project. On the off chance that the issue goes uncertain, you chance to make pointless clashes, defers, or even inability to create a more effective deliverable ("Special Issue on Summarization", 2006). Apart from that, an issues management process gives a strong method for distinguishing and reporting issues and issues that happen amid a project. In other sense, the procedure additionally makes it simpler to assess these issues, survey their effect, and settle on an arrangement for determination. Moreover, an issues log catches the subtle elements of every issue, so that the project set can rapidly see the status, and who is in charge of determining it. At the point when issue chief includes an issues management structure, they have an exhaustive arrangement to manage issues rapidly and adequately. Furthermore, this sorted out a way to deal with overseeing issues gives numerous significant bits of knowledge that can be utilized to refine and enhance project future results(Courtney, Barton, Crocker, Riddell, 2005). Stakeholder Management Plan Each and every individual who has directly or indirectly connections with the organization is called stakeholders such as the owner of the company, shareholders, suppliers, customers, employees, and partners (Eskerod Jepsen, 2013). The project requires some authorized people who influence the decision-making process. This section of the study explains the impact of stakeholders on the project and helps to determine effective strategies for engaging stakeholders in the project. On the other hand, the identification and classification of stakeholders is an important factor because it includes the roles and responsibilities of individual stakeholder (Legacy, 2010). After identification, the registration of stakeholders needs to be done in the organization in order to execute a project properly. Moreover, an effective stakeholder management includes strategies such as closed observation, keep satisfied, aware about everything, focused monitoring. Scope Change Management Approach Documented Here, the topic is about the development and improvement of New Town. It is a district. Like every district, New Town also needs development and growth and for that, some scope needs to be discussed. The development means bringing out a change and for that, a change management is required (Victor Franckeiss, 2002). New Town is a great place where anyone can raise their families. It is the proof from the research that the population has grown from seventy-two thousand to eighty thousand between the years 2006 and 2013 respectively. The word Change Management inherently implies to moving a man, a crowd, or an entire association from the recent state to the future state (Vakola, 2013). A change organization method is comprehensive of the communication activities which are vital, and it impacts evolve over town or a district. The framework should be combined carrying with the thought a lifestyle, qualities, and political scenes of the region in a critical state, and individual parts and commitments and the circumstances in which they work at a littler scale level. There are many scopes for New Town to bring a change in the area (Atkinson, 2005). First of all, the increase in population has provided them a scope to build houses and schools. The old schools need new classrooms for accommodating increased enrolments. Secondly, when school is present, libraries must be current and for that new libraries are being built along with repairing the old ones. On the other hand, new theaters, Arts Centre, recreational hub as well as the multi-sports hub on the list of development. Organization Change Management Plan Here, the change management plan of developing and improving the New Town is being discussed. The change management plan includes, a hydro slide facility is needed, an amateur swimming pool is required, a gym is also necessary, the traditional caf, as well as reception area, needs a makeover and more spaces in court is required (Safier, 2001). It gives an approach to envisioning difficulties and reacts to these effectively. It additionally creates an opportunity for the improvement of best practices, leadership advancement, and group progress. The change management plan also consists of technical requirements such as increasing the space of floors, introducing a web based booking system, production equipment to fulfill the demands of the company (K'Akumu, 2007). The change management plan also consists of the future goals and outcomes. First of all, the community participation should be increased based on recreation and sports. Secondly, the revenue should be raised from the faciliti es of entertainment and sports. It also ensures the services which are affordable to the community. The goals also contain the minimization of the on-going requirement for the contribution rates. Apart from these, the attractiveness and vibrancy of New town should be contributed to make it a destination of choice. Change is an arranged and oversaw the procedure (Rosenstein, 2011). The advantages of the modification are referred to before execution and serve as helpers and appraisal of advancement. The Change Management permits the project to survey the general effect of change. Quality Plan management The quality plan is also considered as the Quality Management Plan. The Quality Management Plan is an essential part of any management plan for a project. The reason of the Quality Management Plan is to outline how quality will be administered all through the lifecycle of the project such as the development of New Town (Carreira Trudell, 2006). The management also consolidates the techniques and system for ensuring quality organizing, confirmation, and control are all synchronized. The stakeholders should be acquainted with how a class will be organized, secured as well as managed. The quality plan consists of the quality standards or requirements, quality assurance, quality control as well as quality control measurements. The quality for developing New Town must always be planned into a project for the prevention of additional time, rework, cost, and waste. It should be considered from both processes as well as product perspectives. To be successful, the project for the development will meet the objectives of quality by the utilization of an integrated quality approach. For example, new buildings such as libraries and sports hub need construction materials and proper quality planning (Long Hklev, 2011). If these quality planning and building materials come out be ineffective, then rework needs to be done. It will lead to waste of time. For the improvement of quality, each recommendation must be reviewed for determining the cost versus the implementation benefits of a selected procedure. The quality group and project team identify the requirements and standards of the quality of the project. Taking an example, a fifteen-meter swimming pool is needed for the amateurs. Configuration Management This portion deals with the Configuration Management Plan of the selected project in New Town. It is used for describing the methods for configuration management. It is conducted throughout the lifecycle of the project. It includes the documentation of the processes behind the management of CM. The documentation includes the responsibilities, roles and its management (Sasanpour Mehrnia, 2012). It also consists of the configuration item or CI in which the changes are made. On the other hand, roles and responsibilities play an important part in the plan. These functions and responsibilities must be defined precisely, to communicate a clear understanding of the expectations. The responsibilities and duties consist of CCB or Configuration Control Board, Project Sponsor, the Project manager, configuration manager, lead engineers as well as engineers. CCB seeks clarification on any CIs as needed. It also ensures all the changes which are being approved and are added to the database of the configuration management. The project sponsor is responsible for providing an endorsement for any issues which are required for additional time, cost or scope. The configuration manager provides configuration templates and standards to the team who are connected with the selected project. The lead engineers and the engineers design a focus group who are responsible for the development of change request (Muckenhirn Meier, 2008). Configuration Management Plan also contains configuration control which is the procedure of methodically managing and monitoring all steps of configuration throughout the lifecycle of the project. Conclusion In order to execute and conduct a successful project, the above-discussed management systems need to be appropriate for the organization. The involvement of all significant and essential management system helps to create a perfect and classified project for the organization. References Atkinson, A. (2005). Urban development.City,9(3), 279-295. Carreira, B. Trudell, B. (2006).Lean Six Sigma that works. New York: American Management Association. K'Akumu, O. (2007). Sustain no city: An ecological conceptualization of urban development. Long, W. Hklev, S. (2011). A practical model of development for China's National Quality Course Plan. Muckenhirn, R. Meier, M. (2008). A minimal-invasive approach to configuration management supporting collaborative factory configuration scenarios.J Intell Manuf,19(6), 735-746. Rosenstein, C. (2011). Cultural development and city neighborhoods.City, Culture And Society,2(1), 9-15. Safier, M. (2001). Transforming Shanghai: Landscapes of turbo-dynamic development in China's 'world city'. Sasanpour, F. Mehrnia, S. (2012). Comparative Survey of City Development Strategy in Several City of Worldwide.