Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Purpose and Function of Business PowerPoint Presentation - 1

The Purpose and Function of Business - PowerPoint Presentation Example Categorically stakeholders can be classified into internal, external, primary and secondary. Internal stakeholders are members of the organisation like owners, management and employees contrary to that the outside organisations and individuals constitute external stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are highly critical as they have a direct impact on the business owing to their authority, power and resources. Secondary stakeholders are not involved in core business activities and indirectly affect the business outcomes. 1. Investors: Investors are highly crucial to kick starting a business. Being a clothing brand HnM’s investors offer the financial support needed to create quality products, promote them affectively as well as exhibit them in an efficient manner with easy access to the target market. 1. Suppliers: HnM’s suppliers follow the code of conduct as well as prevailing laws to provide high quality raw materials to HnM’s factories where the workers work diligently to produce high standard and fashionable garments for kids and adults alike. Stakeholder and organisation’s relationship is mutually beneficial. Stakeholders put their resources at a risk for the organisation’s success hence they have high stakes in the business activities. The type of stake depends upon the nature of business activity where the risk has been invested. The stake is not always financial in fact recognition of contribution or a share in the ownership also attribute stakeholder gains. Both primary and secondary stakeholders are important however the intensity of their impact varies. The existence of a business depends mainly on the activities and opinions of the former. Owing to the reciprocity of this relationship businesses today are paying high attention to maximising their positive impact on stakeholders and lowering the negative

Friday, February 7, 2020

Alternative Energy Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Alternative Energy Sources - Essay Example export or import based on competitive pricing and expertise, Bauman (2004, p. 13-15). A free market determines how the global economy functions based on comparative advantage. States are able to specialize on what one does best. Such scenarios would yield into timely production and supply due to the competitive nature of the operation. A free market would provide good incentives for producers to supply and respond to consumer demand. Extraction of renewable energy sources would be done at an increased competitive level of cleaner, cheaper and adequate energy. Private equity investment, free markets attract private equity, which is reasonably important for investment in exploration and exploitation of renewable energy. Private investment injected into projects is crucial towards the creation of employment in the private sector to professionals who may not be fortunate enough to gain meaningful employment in the government. Investors in the energy sector may enjoy various incentives from the government which aims at encouraging investment in renewable energy sources. Such incentives may include tax exemptions, tax credits and infrastructure development in extraction fields. However, allowing the free market can also be catastrophic to the economy, this argument presents a case for argument in favor of government intervention. According to Katrin Jordan (2011, p. 19-25), free-market approach encourages existence of natural monopolies and cartels. Liberalization of the sector would leave cleaner energy needs at the hands of a few with capital resources, thus holding state and industries functionalities at ransom especially when supply costs are low. Monopolies and cartels create an artificial shortage thus increasing the cost of energy. Cartels have in the past been used to cripple crucial government operations thus it becomes necessary for the state to be involvement in